


A villanelle


The day draws in. The sun long gone. Light fails.
Portent of restless calm before the storm.
Gulls soar, winds call, waves swell, clouds roll, night falls.

Our boats return to port, moor up, low’r sails
Been out atop the seething depths since morn
The day draws in. The sun long gone. Light fails.

Iced surging seas edge up the harbour walls
Unseen, the mighty swirling powers swarm
Gulls call, winds soar, waves roll, clouds low’r, night falls.

Taut saltires tell of raw impending gale
Dark figures hurry back behind closed doors
The day draws in. The sun long gone. Light fails.

It’s here. Stay home. The hurricane prevails.
Unyielding force unleashed on rocky shores,
Gulls caw, winds roar, waves pound, clouds rend, night falls.

We watch through windows pounded by the rains
And thank our lords we’re safe and dry and warm.
The day draws in. The sun long gone. Light fails.
Gulls soar, winds call, waves low’r, clouds roll, night falls.

. . .